
World Culture


HORSEBACK archery is an ancient mounted martial art. The human power has become strong in hunting and war after humans began to use bows and after the horses were bred, the wars became to have the aspects of cavalry battles, information wars and conquest wars in the fighting with other races. The horse-riding race that had wide continent obtained food through hunting by horseback archery that means shooting on the horseback and executed wars also with horseback archery. We are presenting some civilizations used horseback archery in our 3 students’ books. However, in this book we present some but not all cultures. Please see below civillations.

1. Sasanian Empire (224BC-651AD)

This plate is from A.D. mid5th–mid-6th century the king as hunter had become a standard royal image on silver plates during the reign of Shapur II (A.D. 310–379). The theme, symbolizing the prowess of Sasanian rulers.

2. Ancient Assyrians

Assyrian king hunting trip demonstration with a slave flowing with arrows and a second slave holding spear and flowing with an extra horse, Ref: this rock could be found in the British museum, London.

3. The Scythians
Scythians, as well as other people’s closely related to them, who lived in the 1st millennium BC in the Eurasian steppes, did not have their own written language, and therefore their social and political history has to be recreated mainly on the basis of information stored in foreign cultural sources, and according to archaeological data.
The great artistic value of the works made by Scythian masters. They were well versed in the techniques of casting, forging, embossing, embossing, engraving and created their original style in art, the distinguishing feature of which was the images on the things of animals
in dynamics – struggle, jump, running. A striking example of Scythian art is the openwork plate – the decoration of a horse’s dress – depicting a horseman shooting from a bow at a deer.
4. The Hun
The Hun were a nomadic people who lived in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe between the 4th and 6th century AD. According to European tradition, they were first reported living east of the Volga River, in an area that was part of Scythia at the time; the Huns’ arrival is associated with the migration westward of an Iranian people, the Alans.[1] By 370 AD, the Huns had arrived on the Volga, and by 430 the Huns had established a vast, if short-lived, dominion in Europe, conquering the Goths and many other Germanic peoples living outside of Roman borders, and causing many others to flee into Roman territory.
Paint ref: Huns in battle with the Alans. An 1870s engraving after a drawing by Johann Nepomuk Geiger (1805–1880).

5. Ancient Egypt

They were famous for their chariot archery as for some religious reasons, kings were not be allowed to mount horse.
The battle of Kadesh is generally dated to 1274 BC from the Egyptian chronology, and is the earliest battle in recorded history for which details of tactics and formations are known. It is believed to have been the largest chariot battle ever fought, involving between 5,000 and 6,000 chariots in total.
Pic ref: Ramses the second at the battle of Kadesh

6. Ancient Korea

The drawing of hunting in the wall painting of Muyongchong, an ancient tomb.

The drawing of horse-riding shooting game ( 고구려 기마사희도 ) in the wall painting in the ancient tomb in Dukheung-ri for Goguryeo Empire dated 2000 years ago.

7. Mongols

Mounted warriors pursue enemies. Illustration of Rashidad-Din’s Gami’ at-tawarih. Tabriz (?), 1st quarter of 14th century.
Ref: Dschingis Khan und seine Erben (exhibition catalogue), München 2005, p. 255

8. Saracens

During the 11th to 14th century there was many
Abbasid, Mamluks and Seljuk dynasty scrolls in Arabic were discovered. These were presenting many archery and horseback archery standard and technics of unique archery for the region.

9. South East Asia

Horseback archery had been part of South East Asia cultures since the migration of Indo-Aryan people from India sub-continent. It had been developed as required skill for kings, princes and nobles. Findings such as in Panataran Temple (12th-15th Century) relief in East Java, near town of Blitar, shows horseback archery was part of military strategy of Javanese Kingdoms.

10. Mughal Empire

Mughal Empire has contributed allot in bow construction development yet were famous in presenting war and hunt trips in Many survival paintings.

11. American Natives

Native Americans known for using horseback archery in Bison hunting, as they would ambush migrating Bison on a seasonal basis.

12. Late Middle Ages China

“The Victory of Khorgos” The partisans of Amursana were defeated in 1758 by Prince Cäbdan-jab. Drawn by Attiret, 1766; engraved by Le Bas, 1768 (4th on the 16 copperplates commissioned for Les Conquetes de L’Empereur de la Chine) Qing Dynasty mounted archers face off against Dzungar mounted musketeers.

13. Bulgarian Horse Archers

The image is from the Vatican transcript of the Manasseh Chronicle, 14th Century, illustrating chapters of the wars that the Bulgarians fought in the 10th century. Horseback archery was a significant part of the martial practice of the ancient Bulgarians, considering the numerous images and artifact finding.

Miniature 63 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14th century: Invasion of King Sviatoslav I of Kiev into Bulgaria.

14. Ottoman Empire

Ottoman empire paid attention to coverage distance in flight shooting but also fast shooting from the horse.
“Picture of a ottoman sultan presentation of Qabaq style to his soldiers”.

15. Safavid Dynasty

Safavid has allot of surviving scrolls but also surviving bows across Iran museums, many samples could found and examined these days.
Picture ref; Horseback archer and (Persian) Saluki dogs in a hunting ground Safavid Dynasty (15th century) Isfahan, Iran.

16. Pols Tatars

Pols Tatars came for originally from northern part of the black sea and settles in Poland, however they have also brought with them the eastern style of horseback archery to the community, and influence the culture for many years.

17. European Hstory

Young prince (later Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I) hunting for birds as a horsed archer. Woodcut by Albrecht Dürer, 1470.


18. Japanese Horseback Archers

Japanese mounted archery (12th century) Gosannen War.
